[chuck-users] ck.vim, syntax highlighting for Chuck programs

eduard eduard.aylon at gmail.com
Sat Oct 1 21:06:37 EDT 2005

Dear All,

I mainly edit CHUCK programs with VIM and I've been missing syntax  
highlighting to make the programs more readable.

I've attempted to do one myself, but actually what I've done is a  
terrible hack from the existing c.vim file ( syntax coloring for c  
So far I think it helps me much more than not having any highlighting  
at all, so I will send it to the list in case someone finds it of any  

Two files are attached:
     1. ck.vim  --> this file must be copied in the same directory  
where other vim syntax highlighting files are. Mainly /usr/share/vim/ 
                             In order to make the syntax highlighting  
effective, you must add the following line in /usr/share/vim/ 
filetype.vim :
BufNewFile,BufRead *.ck          setf ck

     2. the second attachment is just a screenshot, so you can see  
how the syntax highlighting looks in my screen.

My knowledge of vim syntax highlighting is very poor, so feel free to  
improve it or let me know if you have any suggestions... I'm sure  
I've forgotten many things.


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