[chuck-users] machine.add issue

Atte André Jensen atte.jensen at gmail.com
Fri Jul 7 17:33:09 EDT 2006

Adam Tindale wrote:

> Please find the smallest  
> example that borks in the same way so we can narrow down the bug.

I investigated, and it seems it was partly my fault. Attached are three 

To reproduce a problem similar to what I had, run "chuck --loop 
instruments", then do "chuck + eats_cpu.ck". Because the call to 
Instruments.analog.bd() is not sporked (but called) chuck will eat cpu 
rapidly. Why is that? Is it my mistake or is this a bug in chuck?

Secondly, if I instead do "chuck --loop instruments" followed by "chuck 
+ leaks.ck", chuck will slowly but surely eat my ram. I had a bigger 
example going which did this faster. After 40 minutes or so my 512 Mb of 
ram was digested along with my 1G swap, and the machine... well it got 
quite un-responsive :-) Why is that? My mistake or a chuck bug?

This is with under Linux...

peace, love & harmony

http://www.atte.dk      | quartet:      http://www.anagrammer.dk
http://www.atte.dk/gps  | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions
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