[chuck-users] events and static data

Atte André Jensen atte.jensen at gmail.com
Sun Jun 18 15:54:44 EDT 2006


If I do "chuck time.ck" then "chuck + shaker.ck" I hear the shaker 
ticking along after a while. If I then do "chuck + change_bpm.ck" the 
time is speeded up but the shaker goes silent.

1) Why does it take a while before the first shaker is played, and why 
isn't it always the same amount of time?
2) Why does the shaker stop playing when I update the bpm?

As you might guess I suspect this to be something with static data. I 
know "static" means "static" so if they can't be updated like this, 
would the way to go be to send the bpm update as yet another event?

peace, love & harmony

http://www.atte.dk      | quartet:      http://www.anagrammer.dk
http://www.atte.dk/gps  | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions
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