[chuck-users] summer workshop: composing + coding for laptop ensemble

Ge Wang gewang at CS.Princeton.EDU
Thu Feb 8 00:18:21 EST 2007

Intensive 2 week workshop on creating performance works for laptop 
ensembles!  Much ChucKing involved...

Stanford | CCRMA Summer Workshop:
Composing and Coding for Laptop Ensemble (CCL) 
2 weeks
July 23 - August 3, 2007
Dan Trueman and Ge Wang, with Perry Cook

Emphasizing hands-on approaches, this workshop will address the 
challenges of making music in laptop ensembles. At the core of the 
workshop will be a set of meta-instruments (laptops with 6-channel 
hemispherical speakers, associated audio gear, sensors, and 
controllers) from the Princeton Laptop Orchestra (PLOrk, see 
http://plork.cs.princeton.edu/). Together, we will act as performers, 
researchers, composers, and software developers, focusing our attention 
on instrument design, composition, and music making with these 
instruments. The challenges are many: what kinds of sounds can we 
create? how can we physically control these sounds? how do we compose 
with these sounds? There are also social questions with musical and 
technical ramifications: how do we organize ourselves in this context? 
with a conductor? via a wireless network? And so on.

Morning sessions will focus primarily on instrument design, 
composition, and coding issues using the languages ChucK and Max/MSP. 
Experience with these languages, or programming languages in general, 
is not required but will be beneficial; depending on the makeup of the 
group, we may at times divide into smaller groups to teach 
experience-appropriate skills as needed. We will look at how various 
composers and engineers have addressed the challenges posed by laptop 
ensembles and brainstorm new approaches. Afternoon sessions will 
emphasize music-making of already existing pieces and new pieces 
created by workshop members. Graduates of both the PID and DSP 
workshops may find this a useful workshop for applying what they have 


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