[chuck-users] Audio Range and Zero-crossings, Hashes and OpenGl

Dominik Leuthold moudi at gmx.net
Mon Mar 5 17:06:50 EST 2007


> ChucK does use DirectSound on Windows, which indeed makes attaining  
> realtime latency problematic.  ChucK isn't based on SDL, but rather  
> on RTAudio, which does have ASIO support, though ChucK doesn't  
> support that backend currently.  So, ASIO is slowly making its way  
> into ChucK, but we also don't have an ASIO platform to test on,  
> making the process more difficult.

i'm working on windows and have a good soundcard with ASIO drivers.
(an rme hammerfall multiface).
it's pretty frustrating for me to have such a card and can't work
with it on chuck. 
(i even can't use the card itself because it has only mme, gsif and
asio drivers...)

if i can help anything to get asio into chuck, i'm really willing
to do what i can. (write code, debuging, testing,... whatever you want)
just let me know:-)


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