[chuck-users] recycling program

Tom Duff td at pixar.com
Wed Mar 18 12:06:41 EDT 2009

I haven't read enough to be sure, but there are signs that while Chuck
frees some dead memory, it has no general garbage collection.  For
example, consider these definitions in chuck_vm.cpp (which, btw, aren't
called anywhere):

// name: gc
// desc: ...
void Chuck_VM::gc( t_CKUINT amount )

// name: gc
// desc: ...
void Chuck_VM::gc( )

On Tue, 17 Mar 2009, Robert Poor wrote:

> Are there tools or techniques for monitoring memory allocation in  
> ChucK?  I've been stress testing my code, and after about five hours  
> ChucK vm stops with a malloc / mmap failure.  It would be nice to  
> figure out what's clogging memory.  [In a previous life, I was an  
> embedded systems programmer, so I'm happy to create reusable object  
> pools and managing the objects myself, but I need to know what leaks  
> and what doesn't.]
> On a related note, I notice that ChucK uses the standard library  
> malloc rather centralizing calls through a single chuck_malloc() (or  
> the existing checked_malloc()).  Going through a single call would  
> make it easier to monitor heap allocations.  Just my $0.25.
> - Rob

Tom Duff.  System clock out of range.

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