[chuck-users] New User (midiscore chucktrip questions)

d dchuck at yurfish.com
Wed Feb 2 17:21:05 EST 2022


Im a retiring soon from IT, used make a living
playing keys in a band a long time ago.
Now I have time to play again.

I am just getting started with chuck
and want mostly want to use it  as a
custom  midi sequencer. Probably with
fluidsynth but maybe some chuck instruments.

I can read and dump a midi file and play
it through jack. But Id like to do more.
I noticed MidiScoreReader and friends in
the source but cant figure out how to
exercise it.

Things like getBPM and getLowestNote
and seek toNoteOn etc seem interesting
But I cant find them in the docs.

And ..is there a way to format ints as hex
when chereing?

Also is chucktrip like jacktrip?


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