[chuck] wiKi

Ge Wang gewang at CS.Princeton.EDU
Thu Sep 23 21:34:47 EDT 2004

Dear All,

There is now a ChucK wiKi at:


Share programs, sounds, thoughts, ideas,
or vent your anger caused by ChucK here.
Add new sections and entries as you wish.

There are only stubs there at the moment,
If anyone wants to manage any sections,
go for it.

This is hosted by the Princeton CS Wiki,
using mediawiki, the same engine used
at wikipedia (http://www.wikipedia.com/).
Thus, we share the namespace with a
few other projects.  If this becomes annoying,
we will migrate to our own wiki.  Also, feel
free to register so your additions can be
properly credited.

Got questions?  send us email or post.

wiki away!


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