On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 04:48:11PM -0600, Michael Heuer wrote:
The following crashes ChucK
$ chuck --version
chuck version: (chimera) mac os x : intel : 64-bit http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ http://chuck.stanford.edu/
funCrash.ck: class Foo { 1.0 => float _f;
fun float foo(float f) { f => _f; return _f; } }
Foo f; 42.0 => f.foo; <<<"foo", f.foo>>>;
$ chuck funCrash.ck Segmentation fault: 11
Both the write and read are necessary to make ChucK crash.
This is odd. The "read", as you call it, should IMHO be a syntax error at best; you seem to mean to refer to f._f there, to read, Not the "foo" function which should really be called "foo()" and isn't overloaded to deal with 0 arguments. At best calling f.foo should give the memory address of the function. It is a bug though, as your code should under no condition except for Machine.crash() crash the machine. Should, I said ;-). Some editions ago we seem to have run into what I suspect is a error handler bug; things that used to be plain errors now instead crash the whole vm. Not good as that makes livecoding in ChucK a bit too dangerous, IMHO. Anyway, I have no idea why the write would matter unless it is related to the unused return value of the function. I seem to remember somebody (Spencer?) commenting a long time ago how those would somehow end up on the stack, I thought that had been dealt with (as it should be, nowhere in the docs does anything imply you need to use return values and the stack is not something end-users should run into anyway). So; BUG, and a nice data-point that might help explain what is going so terribly wrong in the error handler (unless my gut-feeling is wrong and it might indicate something else). Congratulations on your catch. Yours, Kas.