Martin -- I'd be really interested in seeing the pd code you develop -- I've had requests to port some of the other 'language' objects I've built for max/msp ([rtcmix~], [maxlisp]) to pd, and I honestly haven't used pd much. All of the [chuck~] source code is on the web page, along with the mods I did to the main ChucK code. Essentially I build ChucK as a shared lib, and then load it into the max/msp environment and find a few entry-points to run it. I also hacked the sample read/write code to use buffers I pass in from max/msp. I have been successful in building a (pluggo) VST plugin with [chuck~]; in fact I use a few of them in performances a fair amount now. brad http://music.columbia.edu/~brad On Sun, 15 Oct 2006, Martin Robinson wrote:
As some of you may know, Brad Garton has adapted ChucK to run as a Max/MSP external (http://music.columbia.edu/~brad/chuck~/). I'm currently working on porting this project to PD (hoping for Windows and Linux support, at least). I'm collecting feedback from anyone who is interested in this sort of thing. What projects would you use a ChucK PD external for? What features would you like beyond the basics?
In the same vein, I hope to produce a VST plugin with equivalent functionality by the end of the year. Of course, I'm looking for similar feedback here too.
Thanks in advance for any comments.
martin robinson _______________________________________________ chuck-dev mailing list chuck-dev@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-dev