I'm working on a project using chuck that will involve making changes to the chuck code over the next couple of weeks. We'll be doing some work to expand the MIDI support and I'd like to be able to submit those changes back upstream. I'm curious which code developers would prefer patches against: 1. The chuck- file available from: http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/release/ or 2. The CVS repository accessible with: cvs -d :ext:anon-chuck at cvs.cs.princeton.edu:/cvs checkout chuck_dev The contents of the /v2 directory look like chuck and there's a VERSIONS file in /notes/VERSIONS that indicates it's chuck v1.3.1.3 Any recommendations on which I should start from? is the v1.3.1.3 stable enough for general use or just a development branch? What's the time frame for releasing v1.3.1.3? It looks like there aren't any MIDI changes listed, so would we be ok modifying the v1.2.1.2 code and submitting patches from that? Thanks! -Steve -- http://www.ncc.com/humans/srainwater/