On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 2:24 AM, Jacob Lewellen <jlewelle@princeton.edu> wrote:
     I'm a junior CS major at Princeton and for my Junior Independent work for this semester, I'm going to be try my hand at adding a graphical API to ChucK, which will be called GLucK.  The current plan is to create another thread for just graphics that will be controlled at the back end by GLUT functions.

Did you realise there development of a similar thing already started, even under the name GlucK, although it's not currently in an accessible form?  Well worth you doing a search; there were some comments not so long ago, including from Ge on some of the pitfalls encountered IIRC.
The other question I have is if anyone knows of a good C++ IDE for Linux to use for developing ChucK.  If necessary I'll just use Emacs or something of that ilk, but if there's something good out there that has good autocompletion and that sort of thing, I'd prefer it.

Well, I haven't used either Linux or C++ for a while, and haven't done very much C++ so I'm not talking from all that much experience here.  Codeblocks is fairly decent I think.  I gather CDT for Eclipse is pretty mature now - Eclipse is great for Java, not so sure about C++.  Well worth a try.  There are some other well established more linux-centric IDEs like KDevelop and Ajunta... but having done little more than "hello world" with them I'll not comment.

Cheers, and good luck with the project,