From: Perry R Cook
Here's the happy announcement:
Ge Wang will present his preFPO on Friday February 16 at 2:00pm in Room 402.
The members of his committee are: Perry Cook, advisor; Andrew Appel and Roger Dannenberg (Carnegie Mellon), readers; Paul Lansky and Brian Kernighan, non-readers. Everyone is invited to attend his talk. His abstract follows below. -------------------------------------
ChucK + Audicle: Strongly-timed, On-the-fly Audio Programming Language and Environment
Once upon a time, in a world not to distant from ours, there was this big magic thing called the net. The übergeeks and other fellow sourceres had their own little thinge they called the Mbone onto which their talks went and they fooled around. Mbone used this magic thing called Multicast (much to blame for it all is that culprit Steve Deering - nice chap). Since Princeton is not a cardrive away, it would be nice if the talk hit the net somehow. As the dark ages hit, Mbone cracled up and we have to resort to various server solutions instead of this pearl, but maybe you have the abilities? Cheers, Magnus - had the pleasure to dance a few dances with the big lads back in the days