Hi Raimundo, I got chuck- (the cli program) working for FreeBSD 7.2 by disabling the gui stuff and some other changes. You can do the following to check it out: wget http://stridor.net/upload/chuck- gtar -xzf chuck- cd chuck- && wget http://stridor.net/upload/freebsd.patch patch -d src -u -p1 < freebsd.patch cd src && gmake freebsd # and as root (copies the binary to /usr/bin) gmake install It should work - at least on FreeBSD 7.2 Perhaps someone (you?) could review the patch and put it upstream / integrate it with chuck- I am not really familiar with C nor make, just did a bit trial and error (mixing of the MacOSX and linux-oss options) that happened to work. You need libsndfile on FreeBSD Hope that helps. Perhaps you want to make a regular port of it? Best Regards, Benny
Hello all!
I prefer the FreeBSD 8.0RC1 audio drivers, which implements the UAA (Universal Audio Architecture - yes, from Microsoft...) and then things just works.
In linux, I have experienced problems with ALSA and the new OSSv4 do not serve me well. And I get evolved in a project that uses chuck, and tried to compile it under my brand new OS. I have tried with
make linux-oss
Many errors as I expected, some of I dismiss. A list of they and the solution: