Greetings! I second Kassen and would like to say rock on to your chuckian coding rampage so far!
btw. I see many examples in the ChucK code where comments are used to denote author and subject of a change. Why are you doing that? If every developer writes proper commit messages you may just as well use "svn blame" (or later "git blame") and "svn log".
I think putting when/by-whom a change is introduced inline in the code tends to naturally improve the information about context and intention, and in ways that outside-of-code things like 'git blame' doesn't do (and yet it doesn't undermine 'git blame' -- one can still do that as per usual). It's meant to be additive to the usual good practices (e.g., proper commit messages), not a substitute. Now, I don't claim this is good or bad practice, but it seems useful for chuck, and that's why we've chosen to do this. Thanks again for your efforts! Ge!