Hi Stephen- On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 09:50:26AM -0400, Stephen Sinclair wrote:
The error is on the declaration of the Stk::swap16 function. Is it possible this word swap16 is a macro somewhere in the BSD headers? It seems to be perhaps replacing the word swap16 with __swap16md_x, but I have no idea why. What do you see with "grep -r swap16 /usr/include" ?
Quite a bit, actually (now that I'm all hopped up on tea and thinking clearly). We define several swap* macros that interfere here. Thanks for the nudge in the right direction!
The unterminated #if errors don't make much sense to me.
Once I undef swap{16,32,64}, those go away. With a few patches[0], I can get most of ChucK to compile. It looks, though, like src/util_hid.cpp is going to take quite a bit more work. Neither the Linux or OS X implementations there will work on OpenBSD (we don't provide input.h, and our joystick.h doesn't seem to have everything needed). If any developers would be interested in working on util_hid portability, I'd be happy to provide access to an i386 OpenBSD box. How much of this interface needs to actually be implemented? I've been reading the code, and it seems that at least some of it could simply remain unsupported while still making ChucK at least somewhat usable. Thanks again! [0] http://www.lfod.us/~will/chuck-openbsd.diff -- [Will Maier]-----------------[willmaier@ml1.net|http://www.lfod.us/]