On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 06:24:46PM +0200, Robin Haberkorn wrote:
I've attached all three of the patches I previously submitted in this thread. Based on chuck-v1.3.1.2 (same version I use).
Thank you. I previously misread and though they were for
Regarding your second question: No unfortunately you can't since I was not disciplined enough to separate them. I started to work on it in order to improve LiSa performance and add features and ended up rewriting part of LiSa and fixing a lot of bugs in the process.
I could spend some time to rewrite all of the changes though...
Yes, I see. Makes total sense to me... I'll just dive in, I suppose :-) The fixes are clearly needed, the additions will need a look and as I think you gathered Dan's talents are more urgently needed elsewhere right now. Should be a educational experience for me too :-)
btw. I wasn't active on the list for the last few weeks since I worked on a kind of 2d graphics package that may be used with ChucK. Indeed I wrote it to use it with ChucK and it contains ChucK wrappers: github.com/rhaberkorn/osc-graphics Hope to announce it soon on the ChucK mailing list.
Cool! Did you have a look at the ChuGin repository? I think it was Spencer who has started doing a plugin for the fabled "GLucK" (Open GL) plan. If that can work then the ChuGin format might be a suitable one for this too? Would be quite cool for stuff like scopes and other tools for analysis. Thanks for the pointers! Yours, Kas