Fellow ChucKists,

Inspired by Scott's explanation of casting I thought I'd try a new trick that may be quite interesting for livecoding.

first run this file;
new UGen @=> Foo.instrument;
public class Foo
    static UGen @instrument;
    spork ~attach();
    fun void attach()
            if(!instrument.isConnectedTo( dac )) instrument => dac;
            second => now;

Foo foo;
new Sitar @=> foo.instrument;

//your melody goes here
while(second => now) 1 => (foo.instrument $ Sitar).noteOn;

Then run this to hot-swap the UGen while the original code runs;

new Shakers @=> Foo.instrument;

Sadly this does need that "attach" function as assignment breaks the link to the dac. I'm not sure I feel that's desirable behaviour but at least we can now hotswap UGens without crashing. I don't think I succeeded in that before.
