From: Perry R Cook
I fear that Ge would rather this particular part of public humliation (even though many of our live-coding ChucK performances had resulted in more carnage) not be too publicized.
Well, if I had the oppertunity I would sneak in at the back and just listen in. I was hoping to do the same on a more virtual fashion.
I think it's actually against Princeton (remember, 250 year old University here) protocol to broadcast these "private" exams. sigh.... We'll just force him to compose some special 1-line<80char compositions using bugs in ChucK that won't work then the new releases come out.
Well, I did ask at least. As for rules, they are meant to be bent or broken. You *DO* know you can't program music in realtime, don't you? ;) How would that look? We just can't allow it, now can we? As for programming on bugs, we look forward to obfuscated chuck contest, using bugs which have not been introduced just yeat. Cheers, Magnus