On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Ge Wang
Hi Steve!
On Wed, 6 May 2009, Stephen Sinclair wrote:
On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Ge Wang
wrote: Hi Steve!
Thanks for the email - which CVS repo are you referring to? We have been adding to chuck_dev/v2/, and there is much code that haven't been integrated yet (this is due to time and the bottleneck that is me). As far as interest goes, we are as fired up as ever.
Okay, good to know! The CVS repo I'm referring to is:
:ext:anon-chuck@cvs.cs.princeton.edu:/cvs, looking at module "chuck_dev".
I thought this was the main development area. But, on a fresh checkout, the last commit as far as I can tell (not used to the CVS log format anymore..) is:
RCS file: /cvs/chuck_dev/v2/examples/io/write.ck,v Working file: examples/io/write.ck head: 1.1 branch: locks: strict access list: symbolic names: keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 1; selected revisions: 1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2008/10/04 20:42:48; author: gw-chuck; state: Exp; *** empty log message ***
I feel like I'm missing something if you are indeed working on it still.
Indeed, this is one of the main development area. It's true that things have been a bit crazy, which may explain the long lag in check-in time on the chuck_dev repo. Also underway: miniAudicle, Rebecca's wekinator (http://wekinator.cs.princeton.edu/), Matt's chuck-in framework (to be integrated), and quite a few others at Princeton, Stanford, and elsewhere. Spencer and I are in the process of releasing a new version soon as well.
I realize I continue to be a bottleneck on a lot of this. The upcoming chuck-in plug-in framework that Matt Hoffman has created should alleviate much of that. And yes, still hoping to find a way to incorporate code and changes into the chuck source tree from the community at large.
I hope this helps! Thanks again!
Okay, cool thanks for the update. I've been running a mirroring script in a cron job on my computer to keep this git repo up to date if you're interested: http://repo.or.cz/w/chuck-blob.git Nice thing is that there is a 'mob' branch allowing anyone to contribute commits that can then be integrated into the master branch by a maintainer. At the moment nothing new has been contributed however. (I'm also pretty busy.. ;-) Anyways, just so you know about it, in case anyone would find it a good way to track and maintain their changes to ChucK before they are integrated to the main repo. Steve