I've discovered a slightly strange bug, or possibly my computer is just running out of resources. I got chuck working as a dynamic library in an external program, and have circles orbiting around other circles sending the areas of all possible triangles made from the orbit points to global buses. Basically, this requires an update every frame tick, at 30::ms (arbitrary, judged by what frame rate looks adequate on most video games) and then one of my chuck files interpolates between the points at a control rate. I've gotten it down to where I just append "Bus.setChan(x, y); \n" to the end of a string (I use a method "setChan" so that it can broadcast an event to waiting shreds, rather than just having the receiving shreds update constantly) then right at the end of every frame tick (assuming that my string has contents) I spork the shred. This means that only ONE shred is sporked every tick, no matter the number of buses or global variables I've changed. The problem is that I consistently get this message: internal sanity check failed in shredule() / (wake time is past) - x : y (where x and y are numbers referring to time passed in the VM, I believe). I checked it out, and x is SET to y just two function calls earlier, with nothing much happening in between. It calls