"GW" == Ge Wang
What is the current status on the 1.2 release?
GW> The type system has been overhauled to support arrays and objects and GW> to remove some bad hacks (and add others). Added more operators for GW> convenience (+=>, -=>), added break, continue. Sounds cool ... Would "foo => bar; baz +=> bar;" mean the same thing as "foo + baz => bar;" then? GW> Arrays are done - int/string indexed, multi-dim. That can probably be usefull. A string-indexed array, sounds like a convenient lookup table ... GW> Objects are also done, at least to a usable degree - virtual GW> inheritance, static/member functions/data, recursive namespace. Now this like something *really* cool, which I've been longing for for six months or so ... :-) Is there any example code (or even documentation) for this? GW> The final push is to add ugen and library classes back into the GW> type system in a way that is flexible and extensible. This part GW> makes us want to chuck something out the window (because it's so GW> "fun") - but it's almost done (and there aren't many windows in GW> the lab, at least not to the outside world.) Eh ... *lol*, I think ... :-)
Is there anything I can do to help?
GW> The import system is the bottle neck right now. Further hacking GW> depends on this. Once it's done, then C/C++ code can be imported GW> less stupidly than before, and the portal to massive hacking will GW> be opened (yikes). Huh? Import from what to where? [...] GW> #------------------------------------------------------------------ GW> # by default, ChucK uses a pre-configured libsndfile... GW> # uncomment the next 3 lines to use libsndfile on your system GW> #------------------------------------------------------------------ GW> #FLAGS+= -D__CK_SNDFILE_NATIVE__ GW> #LIBS+= -lsndfile GW> #SF_OBJ= Oups, sorry I didn't notice that! GW> We are committed to making this release happen as soon as possible. GW> We will put out a working version (hopefully) and continue to work GW> together make it better, on-the-fly. Thats great! And sorry to be a bother with just loads of questions. -- Rasmus Kaj --+-- rasmus@kaj.se --+-- http://www.stacken.kth.se/~kaj/ För övrigt anser jag att det var något förhastat att bränna Kartago