Greetings! On the recommendation of Dave Robillard, Florian Schmidt, and other Linux audio developers, we have implemented callback functionality for real-time audio, while keeping the blocking functionality. Both are accessible using command line flags (--callback vs. --blocking). The default is callback. Perhaps not surprisingly, this is much more stable for small buffersize on all platforms except windows directsound. Hopefully, it is a step in the right direction for alleviating problems running chuck under Linux/JACK. The newest version is in CVS: cvs -d :ext:anon-chuck@cvs.cs.princeton.edu:/cvs checkout chuck_dev password: (hit enter) The code is in chuck_dev/v2/ I must admit that I don't know Jack and would like to ask Linux/Jack users here to give it a spin under various conditions. Please let us know how things fare. Dave, Florian, Leonard - can you guys give this a try? Thank you very much! Best, Ge!