Jacob Lewellen wrote:
Hi, I'm a junior CS major at Princeton and for my Junior Independent work for this semester, I'm going to be try my hand at adding a graphical API to ChucK, which will be called GLucK. The current plan is to create another thread for just graphics that will be controlled at the back end by GLUT functions. At the moment I'm just trying to get a feel for the source code to figure out what and where I will have to change. If anyone has any tips on what part of the code to start with, I'd be happy to hear them.
One thing that I started messing with a while back (and got the communication working in one way, if I remember correctly, before losing real interest in it...) was to add bindings to QObject from Qt such that you could then send / receive ChucK events to QObject signals / slots. This would mean that it would then be trivial to bind a ChucK program to a UI generated by Qt Designer (drag-and-drop UI designer). If you end up being interested in going down a route like that drop me a line and I'll see if I can't find my old sources. I can't put my hands on them at the moment, but they're still probably lurking off somewhere on one of my backups.
The other question I have is if anyone knows of a good C++ IDE for Linux to use for developing ChucK. If necessary I'll just use Emacs or something of that ilk, but if there's something good out there that has good autocompletion and that sort of thing, I'd prefer it.
Some people dig KDevelop, which being from the land-o-k tends to well with C++. I use Emacs. ;-) -Scott