Is there any possibility of getting anonymous access to the princeton cvs? Should such things go via the sf account instead? We want to keep the local cvs @ stacken up to date with whatever is committed at your place so that our hacking won't start from the release version and then discover that it's badly out of sync with what's in the cvs (as we just discovered... =) Oh, and, we have still not managed to get a decent windows build environment up and running; but we have verified build on Free/OpenBSD, Linux (debian & redhat) and OSX. Should we commit and test or wait and then commit? Best wishes, the Stacken hack group! =) -- Mikael Johansson | To see the world in a grain of sand mikael@johanssons.org | And heaven in a wild flower http://www.mikael.johanssons.org | To hold infinity in the palm of your hand | And eternity for an hour