hello, i would very much appreciate the following changes to chuck: 1. to compile without errors on mingw32 (at least with my distribution): in util_math.h & util_math.c: exclude the definition of remainder. it is already defined with mingw32 and throws a compile error. in util_sndfile.h: exclude lrint & lrtinf they are already defined with mingw32 and throw a compile error. 2. to make my OSCSurface able to capture the output of the ChucK-stderr on windows: after each output to stderr (fprintf) please call: fflush(stderr) otherwise the output is sent to my console capturer only when i quit chuck or when the output buffer is full. i think that's only a problem with windows. maybe it would be a good idea to send real errors to stderr and anything else to stdout (like <<< "XYZ" >>>;)? with the above changes i was able to compile chuck on mingw32 and capture the output. so now i almost have a real ChucK-IDE. btw: are there any plans to set up a CVS for ChucK so that people could submit patches? best joerg -- http://joerg.piringer.net http://www.transacoustic-research.com http://www.iftaf.org http://www.vegetableorchestra.org/