On Jan 18, 2008, at 6:27 PM, Jeremy Hunt wrote:

I would love to use chuckian logic directly on video processes.

yeah!  fun stuff!

Jitter is a pain.

And agreed there, too.  For the minimal jitter stuff I've done, I've shoved my ancient OpenGL knowledge into those godawful textedit things.  I just started fooling around with generating OpenGL command in lisp, seeing if that gets anywhere...

I like the ability to script now with javascript or use java to do procedural stuff.  I think being able to reason about video timelines natively in chuck without having to deal with bridging environments would be really cool.  Is it possible or would it be to slow?

Good question.  My fear is that efficiency would become a problem in a seamlessly-scalable language like cHuCk.  The jitter approach was to use a matrix-calc substrate, I wonder if such a thing could be ChuCk-ified.  I'm also a big fan of using Other People's Stuff (hence my employment of max-msp for interface and vid work); I wonder if GEM could be imported into cHuCK somehow?  Bear in mind I have no idea what I'm talking about...
