Hi Szilveszter,
I also checked out the source code and made a change which made this loop work: at chuck_dev\v2\chuck_type.cpp:873:
I enclosed the switch() block in a conditional:
if (stmt->c2) { ... }
Now it seems to work.
First; great job on fixing this crash, that's the spirit! I do have a question though. It seems that you are implying here that a empty condition now evaluates to true (or at least not false). Assuming we adopt this fix; would this now be true in the general case, or just for "for" loops? Are there precedents on empty conditions evaluating to true? Just curious; crash prevention is the main thing here, I don't see much practical use in empty "for" loops anyway, because "while(1)" is just as one character more than "for(;;)" and a lot more readable. Yours, Kas.