Hi again, nice to see that ChucK development is moving on rapidly and will move to Github soon. Will send you pull requests then :-) Here's a patch that fixes multi array accesses involving map accesses. Previously a Chuck_Instr_Array_Access_Multi was emitted for every multi array access even though the instruction cannot handle map keys. Test case: string a[0][2]; new string[2] @=> a["foo"]; new string[2] @=> a["bar"]; "23" => a["foo"][0]; "24" => a["foo"][1]; "32" => a["bar"][0]; "42" => a["bar"][1]; for (0 => int i; i < 2; i++) <<< a["foo"][i], a["bar"][i] >>>; will die with an ArrayOutofBounds error. Workaround for version <= string a[0][2]; new string[2] @=> a["foo"]; new string[2] @=> a["bar"]; "23" => (a["foo"])[0]; "24" => (a["foo"])[1]; "32" => (a["bar"])[0]; "42" => (a["bar"])[1]; for (0 => int i; i < 2; i++) <<< (a["foo"])[i], (a["bar"])[i] >>>; will result in both a map access and normal (int) access instruction. My patch revises the way access instructions are generated so the first test case works flawlessly. One can be applied on ChucK v1.3.0.2; the other one is an updated version of my 64-bit array patch (still using it until next release) and finally there's a version based on SVN trunk. Hope to contribute on a regular basis from now on. I do really want to use ChucK for my "music" project and I need it stable and a lot faster... Best regards, Robin