Hi, I would like to have real stereo (or multi-channel) UGens in ChucK which can compute multichannel output and not just setting a pan or like that (like it is now??). The tick() function of an UGen should operate on array of samples (one sample on each channel) and produce also one sample for each channel as output. The audio engine should convert the channels if two ugens of different output/input channels are chucked together. Each UGen should either have a fixed number of in/out channels, or the user could specify the number of in/out channels for an UGen at construction time (to avoid extra multichannel processing when unnecessary). It would be not needed to access the individual channels of an UGen as UGens (this can be emulated e.g. by mono-to-stereo "split" UGens and stereo-to-mono "channel-select" UGens). I would like to implement something like this for myself because I think it is unconvenient that we don't have stereo ugens and some effects in which the channels are dependent of each other are not even possible to realize otherwise. Have you any other suggestions, advices how to implement multichannel ugens? It would be the best to have a solution which is good for everyone and which can be part of the official ChucK code. Or do I still not understand how multi-channel UGens work? Imre Kéri

Hi Imre, This is an issue in STK as well. I don't know the exact details of how STK classes are incorporated into ChucK (hopefully without any changes?) but I would like to find an elegant solution to this issue that works both in STK and ChucK. First, there is something I'm not clear on in your email. Let's take a Noise UGen as an example. As it stands, the Noise class is inherently monophonic. If you want multi-channel Noise, you could simply create multiple instances of it. But perhaps you are asking that it be changed to support an arbitrary number of channels (which would probably be more efficient than creating multiple instances)?. In STK, you can pass an StkFrames object to the tick() function and it will fill that structure with the appropriate number of samples (given the number of sample frames of the StkFrames). However, as currently written, it only fills one channel of the StkFrames object. It would be easy to modify that behavior if desired. The next question concerns UGens that could truly be multi-channel. For example, reverberators tend to support one sample input and stereo output. The Effect class has lastOutRight() and lastOutLeft() function to support stereo though the tick() function itself only outputs mono data. I consider this somewhat broken. I'd like to come up with a better generic solution to this problem. One potential solution can be taken from the WvIn/WvOut classes, which have a tickFrame() function that does support arbitrary multi-channel input/output. However, that structure does not make it clear how many channels are supported by a given class. Also, I've heard from others that they would like a tick() like function that supports multiple channels and does not require the use of an StkFrames object. I suppose we could potentially create a tickChannel() function that takes a channel argument(?). I'd be happy to hear if others have ideas about how best to address these issues. Regards, --Gary Scavone On 10-Feb-07, at 8:51 AM, Imre Kéri wrote:
I would like to have real stereo (or multi-channel) UGens in ChucK which can compute multichannel output and not just setting a pan or like that (like it is now??). The tick() function of an UGen should operate on array of samples (one sample on each channel) and produce also one sample for each channel as output. The audio engine should convert the channels if two ugens of different output/input channels are chucked together. Each UGen should either have a fixed number of in/out channels, or the user could specify the number of in/out channels for an UGen at construction time (to avoid extra multichannel processing when unnecessary). It would be not needed to access the individual channels of an UGen as UGens (this can be emulated e.g. by mono-to-stereo "split" UGens and stereo-to-mono "channel-select" UGens).
I would like to implement something like this for myself because I think it is unconvenient that we don't have stereo ugens and some effects in which the channels are dependent of each other are not even possible to realize otherwise.
Have you any other suggestions, advices how to implement multichannel ugens? It would be the best to have a solution which is good for everyone and which can be part of the official ChucK code.
Or do I still not understand how multi-channel UGens work?
Imre Kéri _______________________________________________ chuck-dev mailing list chuck-dev@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-dev

Hi Gary,
My idea is now the following: Every UGen should work for any number of
input/output channels. When the user creates an UGen, the number of
requested in/out channels for that UGen need to be specified by the
user. The tick() function should then accept/generate the requested
in/out channels. Once the UGen is created, it can be ChucKed to any
other UGen (also to those with different number of channels - or
not??). And each particular channel should be also accessible.
For STK this can mean that for example the constructor of the Effect
class should have two new parameters: the number of in and out
channels. The tick() or tickFrame() function should get as parameter
the incoming frames (one sample for each input channel) and compute
one (or more) sample for each output channel.
Every effect and instrument should find a meaningful implementation
what to do when the user requests it to work on N channels (or it
might refuse some channel combinations?). A noise generator might
compute only one mono sample of noise and simply copy it to every
output channel, or it might generate separate noise for each channel.
A reverb can use a different algorithm if requested for 2 channels
than it uses when requested for 1 channel.
This may require some changes in the existing code, but I like this
solution beause it seems very flexible... In ChucK it would be even
possible to have a new syntax for the requested number of channels and
compile-time checking for channel stuff...
2007/2/10, Gary Scavone
Hi Imre,
This is an issue in STK as well. I don't know the exact details of how STK classes are incorporated into ChucK (hopefully without any changes?) but I would like to find an elegant solution to this issue that works both in STK and ChucK.
First, there is something I'm not clear on in your email. Let's take a Noise UGen as an example. As it stands, the Noise class is inherently monophonic. If you want multi-channel Noise, you could simply create multiple instances of it. But perhaps you are asking that it be changed to support an arbitrary number of channels (which would probably be more efficient than creating multiple instances)?. In STK, you can pass an StkFrames object to the tick() function and it will fill that structure with the appropriate number of samples (given the number of sample frames of the StkFrames). However, as currently written, it only fills one channel of the StkFrames object. It would be easy to modify that behavior if desired.
The next question concerns UGens that could truly be multi-channel. For example, reverberators tend to support one sample input and stereo output. The Effect class has lastOutRight() and lastOutLeft() function to support stereo though the tick() function itself only outputs mono data. I consider this somewhat broken. I'd like to come up with a better generic solution to this problem. One potential solution can be taken from the WvIn/WvOut classes, which have a tickFrame() function that does support arbitrary multi-channel input/output. However, that structure does not make it clear how many channels are supported by a given class. Also, I've heard from others that they would like a tick() like function that supports multiple channels and does not require the use of an StkFrames object. I suppose we could potentially create a tickChannel() function that takes a channel argument(?).
I'd be happy to hear if others have ideas about how best to address these issues.
--Gary Scavone

Hi Imre, I'm not sure the solution you propose can easily be implemented for all UGs. For a Noise UG, it is relatively easy to make it work for an arbitrary number of channels. However, a SineWave UG is inherently "one channel". Of course, you could hack something together but you would need to add a bunch of functionality to set the parameters for different channels, when in fact it would be much clearer (programatically) to have multiple instances of this one- channel class. Perhaps ChucK can add functionality to easily combine the outputs of multiple one-channel objects into a multi-channel structure (or maybe this already exists)? Also, for the Effects classes, it gets even more problematic. If you want to make a Reverb work for multiple channels, does that mean it should take a single input and create multiple outputs or should it run multiple versions of the same reverb to create multiple outputs. The number of inputs and outputs to the Effects classes are typically fixed when it they are designed and it would be hard to make them work for arbitrary inputs/outputs. I suppose that a Reverb could average a multi-channel input sample frame and create as many decorrelation delay lines as needed for the specified number of outputs, but again, these are things that would have to be determined for each Effect. For the PitShift class, it is unclear how mulit- input/output might be implemented. Regards, --gary On 11-Feb-07, at 10:23 AM, Imre Kéri wrote:
Hi Gary,
My idea is now the following: Every UGen should work for any number of input/output channels. When the user creates an UGen, the number of requested in/out channels for that UGen need to be specified by the user. The tick() function should then accept/generate the requested in/out channels. Once the UGen is created, it can be ChucKed to any other UGen (also to those with different number of channels - or not??). And each particular channel should be also accessible.
For STK this can mean that for example the constructor of the Effect class should have two new parameters: the number of in and out channels. The tick() or tickFrame() function should get as parameter the incoming frames (one sample for each input channel) and compute one (or more) sample for each output channel.
Every effect and instrument should find a meaningful implementation what to do when the user requests it to work on N channels (or it might refuse some channel combinations?). A noise generator might compute only one mono sample of noise and simply copy it to every output channel, or it might generate separate noise for each channel. A reverb can use a different algorithm if requested for 2 channels than it uses when requested for 1 channel.
This may require some changes in the existing code, but I like this solution beause it seems very flexible... In ChucK it would be even possible to have a new syntax for the requested number of channels and compile-time checking for channel stuff...
2007/2/10, Gary Scavone
: Hi Imre,
This is an issue in STK as well. I don't know the exact details of how STK classes are incorporated into ChucK (hopefully without any changes?) but I would like to find an elegant solution to this issue that works both in STK and ChucK.
First, there is something I'm not clear on in your email. Let's take a Noise UGen as an example. As it stands, the Noise class is inherently monophonic. If you want multi-channel Noise, you could simply create multiple instances of it. But perhaps you are asking that it be changed to support an arbitrary number of channels (which would probably be more efficient than creating multiple instances)?. In STK, you can pass an StkFrames object to the tick() function and it will fill that structure with the appropriate number of samples (given the number of sample frames of the StkFrames). However, as currently written, it only fills one channel of the StkFrames object. It would be easy to modify that behavior if desired.
The next question concerns UGens that could truly be multi-channel. For example, reverberators tend to support one sample input and stereo output. The Effect class has lastOutRight() and lastOutLeft() function to support stereo though the tick() function itself only outputs mono data. I consider this somewhat broken. I'd like to come up with a better generic solution to this problem. One potential solution can be taken from the WvIn/WvOut classes, which have a tickFrame() function that does support arbitrary multi-channel input/output. However, that structure does not make it clear how many channels are supported by a given class. Also, I've heard from others that they would like a tick() like function that supports multiple channels and does not require the use of an StkFrames object. I suppose we could potentially create a tickChannel() function that takes a channel argument(?).
I'd be happy to hear if others have ideas about how best to address these issues.
--Gary Scavone
chuck-dev mailing list chuck-dev@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-dev

As I though of it, e.g. an oscillator would just output the same
signal on every output channel (and not have varying parameters for
each channel). And for other effects, it should be decided at desig
time how to implement the functionality when a user is requesting it
for multiple channels. It could just run as multiple instances of it
on all channels, or it could use different algorithms - so when the
user is creating a mono and a stereo instance these will act as two
totally different effects.
But I realized now that though the idea would be nice in some
situations (like SndBuf), in general it doesn't bring much benefit to
have it. For the developer it is much easier to write for example a
mono and a stereo reverb than to combine these into a single object.
And this is also not more problematic for the user than my original
idea (just with my idea it would be easier to change the number of
channels for an UGen?)
So I drop this idea. But what would be still nice to have is support
for real multi-channel UGens in ChucK. As it is now there is some
multichannel support but only panning works and the tick() function is
always mono. Every instrument/effect should have a fixed number of
input/output channels and the tick() function (or multiple
tick_channel() functions?) should be called by the framework
2007/2/22, Gary Scavone
Hi Imre,
I'm not sure the solution you propose can easily be implemented for all UGs. For a Noise UG, it is relatively easy to make it work for an arbitrary number of channels. However, a SineWave UG is inherently "one channel". Of course, you could hack something together but you would need to add a bunch of functionality to set the parameters for different channels, when in fact it would be much clearer (programatically) to have multiple instances of this one- channel class. Perhaps ChucK can add functionality to easily combine the outputs of multiple one-channel objects into a multi-channel structure (or maybe this already exists)?
Also, for the Effects classes, it gets even more problematic. If you want to make a Reverb work for multiple channels, does that mean it should take a single input and create multiple outputs or should it run multiple versions of the same reverb to create multiple outputs. The number of inputs and outputs to the Effects classes are typically fixed when it they are designed and it would be hard to make them work for arbitrary inputs/outputs. I suppose that a Reverb could average a multi-channel input sample frame and create as many decorrelation delay lines as needed for the specified number of outputs, but again, these are things that would have to be determined for each Effect. For the PitShift class, it is unclear how mulit- input/output might be implemented.
On 11-Feb-07, at 10:23 AM, Imre Kéri wrote:
Hi Gary,
My idea is now the following: Every UGen should work for any number of input/output channels. When the user creates an UGen, the number of requested in/out channels for that UGen need to be specified by the user. The tick() function should then accept/generate the requested in/out channels. Once the UGen is created, it can be ChucKed to any other UGen (also to those with different number of channels - or not??). And each particular channel should be also accessible.
For STK this can mean that for example the constructor of the Effect class should have two new parameters: the number of in and out channels. The tick() or tickFrame() function should get as parameter the incoming frames (one sample for each input channel) and compute one (or more) sample for each output channel.
Every effect and instrument should find a meaningful implementation what to do when the user requests it to work on N channels (or it might refuse some channel combinations?). A noise generator might compute only one mono sample of noise and simply copy it to every output channel, or it might generate separate noise for each channel. A reverb can use a different algorithm if requested for 2 channels than it uses when requested for 1 channel.
This may require some changes in the existing code, but I like this solution beause it seems very flexible... In ChucK it would be even possible to have a new syntax for the requested number of channels and compile-time checking for channel stuff...
2007/2/10, Gary Scavone
: Hi Imre,
This is an issue in STK as well. I don't know the exact details of how STK classes are incorporated into ChucK (hopefully without any changes?) but I would like to find an elegant solution to this issue that works both in STK and ChucK.
First, there is something I'm not clear on in your email. Let's take a Noise UGen as an example. As it stands, the Noise class is inherently monophonic. If you want multi-channel Noise, you could simply create multiple instances of it. But perhaps you are asking that it be changed to support an arbitrary number of channels (which would probably be more efficient than creating multiple instances)?. In STK, you can pass an StkFrames object to the tick() function and it will fill that structure with the appropriate number of samples (given the number of sample frames of the StkFrames). However, as currently written, it only fills one channel of the StkFrames object. It would be easy to modify that behavior if desired.
The next question concerns UGens that could truly be multi-channel. For example, reverberators tend to support one sample input and stereo output. The Effect class has lastOutRight() and lastOutLeft() function to support stereo though the tick() function itself only outputs mono data. I consider this somewhat broken. I'd like to come up with a better generic solution to this problem. One potential solution can be taken from the WvIn/WvOut classes, which have a tickFrame() function that does support arbitrary multi-channel input/output. However, that structure does not make it clear how many channels are supported by a given class. Also, I've heard from others that they would like a tick() like function that supports multiple channels and does not require the use of an StkFrames object. I suppose we could potentially create a tickChannel() function that takes a channel argument(?).
I'd be happy to hear if others have ideas about how best to address these issues.
--Gary Scavone
chuck-dev mailing list chuck-dev@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-dev
_______________________________________________ chuck-dev mailing list chuck-dev@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-dev
participants (2)
Gary Scavone
Imre Kéri