Some ugens not available in C++

Hi, I'm new to the mailing list. I've been playing around trying to create a new Instrmnt-derived ugen in C++. I got something simple up and running fairly quickly, but then I realized that not all of the ugens are available in the C++ headers. For example, I needed a low-pass filter, but there is no LPF class (or FilterBasic_data struct) in ugen_filter.h. I was able to get around this by using the TwoPole class and calculating the coefficients. Now I need sawtooth and triangle waves, but again there are no classes for these ugens in ugen_osc.h. The existing STK instruments get sine waves using WaveLoop("special:sinewave", TRUE), but I was hoping to use sawtooth and triangle waves. This has me thinking I'm approaching this wrong. Since you can't yet create ugens in ChucK, I planned to use C++, but in C++ there's only a limited set of ugens/classes that are available. Thanks, Dylan

After doing some more reading, I now realize that the Synthesis ToolKit (STK) was developed independently of ChucK. This explains why it doesn't use ChucK ugens such as SinOsc. It also helps to explain why the ugens in ugen_osc.cpp/h and ugen_filter.cpp/h are implemented so differently than those in ugen_stk.cpp/h. What I still don't understand is why a decision was made to allow ugens that are not usable in C++ code. If I need a sawtooth wave in C++, it seems like I would need to copy and paste code to generate it myself. This is kind of contrary to the modular nature of C++. Are there any plans to remedy this and expose at least some interface to the "hidden" ugens? I would be happy to help with this. If not, how should developers create ugens that require functionality such as basic waveforms, etc. in C++? Thanks, Dylan

It seems that Chuck_Array4::zero() in chuck_oo create a "Debug Assertion Failed" Error. The Microsoft vector class is complaining about "vector subscript out of range". I am using VS2005.
For what it's worth, I got the exact same error after building with Visual Studio 2005 and trying to run some of the example files. I then built with Visual C++ 6.0 and the problem went away. I assume it's the std::vector class it's complaining about. The STL implementation in VS 2005 is completely different than VC++ 6.0, so it wouldn't surprise me if there are STL-related issues with VS 2005 builds if the ChucK code has only been tested with VC++ 6.0. Dylan

I found out why, one must define _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS and
_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING 0. Then it will compile like a charm.
BTW, i am running Chuck on Asio since a few days. It's on a Motu 828mkII.
It's quite fast on the real time latency, but a little bit harder on the
cpu. There is no code change for the compile. Just add an Asio folder with
the Asio files as described on the RTaudio page, add __WINDOWS_ASIO__ to the
preprocessor definition and you are set.
The asio files can be downloaded from the rtaudio website:
Please know that I am not sure at all if this create bugs or not, but it's a
start I guess.
On 6/20/07, Dylan Miller
It seems that Chuck_Array4::zero() in chuck_oo create a "Debug Assertion Failed" Error. The Microsoft vector class is complaining about "vector subscript out of range". I am using VS2005.
For what it's worth, I got the exact same error after building with Visual Studio 2005 and trying to run some of the example files. I then built with Visual C++ 6.0 and the problem went away.
I assume it's the std::vector class it's complaining about. The STL implementation in VS 2005 is completely different than VC++ 6.0, so it wouldn't surprise me if there are STL-related issues with VS 2005 builds if the ChucK code has only been tested with VC++ 6.0.
_______________________________________________ chuck-dev mailing list

On 6/21/07, Philippe Lamarche
Please know that I am not sure at all if this create bugs or not, but it's a start I guess.
Well, let's test it then :¬) I'm not at all familiar with compiling on XP so I'd be very gratefull if this .exe could be posted somewhere or perhaps you could send it to me (if it's deemed too experimental right now?). I have a Emu1616m here and access to a RME cardbus so that's two architectures already. This is great news! Thanks, Kas.

I am a member of electro-music and I debated posting it there since then.
If you think it's ok to post the exe there, I will.
On 6/20/07, Kassen
On 6/21/07, Philippe Lamarche
wrote: BTW, i am running Chuck on Asio since a few days.
Please know that I am not sure at all if this create bugs or not, but it's a start I guess.
Well, let's test it then :¬) I'm not at all familiar with compiling on XP so I'd be very gratefull if this .exe could be posted somewhere or perhaps you could send it to me (if it's deemed too experimental right now?). I have a Emu1616m here and access to a RME cardbus so that's two architectures already.
This is great news!
Thanks, Kas.
_______________________________________________ chuck-dev mailing list

On 6/21/07, Philippe Lamarche
I am a member of electro-music and I debated posting it there since then. If you think it's ok to post the exe there, I will.
I'm sure it is. Likely it'll need a pointer to the ChucK (and other) lisences but that's the only issue I can think of. EM in general welcomes things like this. I am not, however, sure EM permits .exe as a extention for attachments (we get a LOT of very dubious spam-posts). You might have to rename it and post it with some instructions to name it back. If you run into any trouble you can mail Stein; stein.grebstad (at) He runs the server the atachements and other files are on and he can without any doubt set you up. We'll need to watch this though. I think this should be out and up quickly and get tested but we shouldn't forget about it and get bug-reports on it in half a year when it's the first chuck.exe somebody might see, unaware of the experimental nature. Another option would be the WiKi. Can the WiKi take 1.4MB (or so) attachments? Yours, Kas.

I just posted a message with the executable.
It should work... i hope.
On 6/21/07, Kassen
On 6/21/07, Philippe Lamarche
wrote: I am a member of electro-music and I debated posting it there since then. If you think it's ok to post the exe there, I will.
I'm sure it is. Likely it'll need a pointer to the ChucK (and other) lisences but that's the only issue I can think of. EM in general welcomes things like this.
I am not, however, sure EM permits .exe as a extention for attachments (we get a LOT of very dubious spam-posts). You might have to rename it and post it with some instructions to name it back.
If you run into any trouble you can mail Stein; stein.grebstad (at) He runs the server the atachements and other files are on and he can without any doubt set you up.
We'll need to watch this though. I think this should be out and up quickly and get tested but we shouldn't forget about it and get bug-reports on it in half a year when it's the first chuck.exe somebody might see, unaware of the experimental nature.
Another option would be the WiKi. Can the WiKi take 1.4MB (or so) attachments?
Yours, Kas.
_______________________________________________ chuck-dev mailing list

On 6/21/07, Philippe Lamarche
Hi, I just posted a message with the executable.
It should work... i hope.
It works here! Multi-channel works as well. "In-depth" evaluation at the forum topic, not to move the discussion but to hopefully keep reports in one place as much as possible. Likely this should go on the main list as well? Yours, Kas.

I echo Kassen's sentiments - this rocks!! I'd encourage others who are interested to check out this topic at electro-music: Next we should also figure out how to best roll this into the distro. Should we include two exe's? Another eventual option is to finally upgrade to the newest RtAudio, which has runtime support for multiple API's - this will happen sooner or later we think, and we hope to work with Gary Scavone to make transition smoothly. What to do in the meantime? At any rate, rock on. Best, Ge! On Jun 21, 2007, at 1:43 AM, Kassen wrote:
On 6/21/07, Philippe Lamarche
wrote: Hi, I just posted a message with the executable. It should work... i hope.
It works here! Multi-channel works as well. "In-depth" evaluation at the forum topic, not to move the discussion but to hopefully keep reports in one place as much as possible. Likely this should go on the main list as well?
Yours, Kas.
_______________________________________________ chuck-dev mailing list

On 6/23/07, Ge Wang
Next we should also figure out how to best roll this into the distro. Should we include two exe's? Another eventual option is to finally upgrade to the newest RtAudio, which has runtime support for multiple API's - this will happen sooner or later we think, and we hope to work with Gary Scavone to make transition smoothly. What to do in the meantime?
I looked over the RTAudio notes on multiple API's in anticipation of the arival of the .exe and that definately seems like the way to go in the future. I'd say that would also be the way to go for Linux. If you want only one of the two I think ASIO is the obvious choice because there is ASIO4ALL to turn a WM style soundcard into a ASIO suporting one but the other way around doesn't exist (And would be similar to trying to sell a kit that can turn a Ferari into a Trabant). On that topic I think it's very good news that this works with ASIO4ALL according to Consul. This Windows Media style of audio drivers is realy, realy, terribly slow which I can't stress enough is very bad for realtime (musical) performance. The one thing that's good about it -to me- is that it made me think a lot about creative input quantisation. I realise Princeton is basically all Mac's. If you're used to a Mac I think it might be hard to imagine how attrociously bad and slow Windows Media drivers are. Maybe two exe's would be best. The files should be very similar which hopefully the zip compression will pick up on? Also, in the interest of getting lots of feedback on this I still think this should go to the main users list as well but I think that's for Philippe or you to post. It'd be good to know about incompatibilities, issues or potential fire-hazards before this goes into the main distribution. Kas.

I will try to integrate the new version of RTaudio and see what comes up
with it. If i understand correctly version RTAudio 3.0.2 is alreay in Chuck.
This version has multiple API capacity. I think that I am already compiling
for multiple API, but since ChucK doesn't provide any argument to the
Rtaudio constructor, it always take ASIO because it's higher in the list
than DS.
If we can provide an argument to RTaudio constructor, probably coming from
the command line, it should work.
I will try it in a few days.
On 6/23/07, Kassen
On 6/23/07, Ge Wang
wrote: Next we should also figure out how to best roll this into the distro. Should we include two exe's? Another eventual option is to finally upgrade to the newest RtAudio, which has runtime support for multiple API's - this will happen sooner or later we think, and we hope to work with Gary Scavone to make transition smoothly. What to do in the meantime?
I looked over the RTAudio notes on multiple API's in anticipation of the arival of the .exe and that definately seems like the way to go in the future. I'd say that would also be the way to go for Linux.
If you want only one of the two I think ASIO is the obvious choice because there is ASIO4ALL to turn a WM style soundcard into a ASIO suporting one but the other way around doesn't exist (And would be similar to trying to sell a kit that can turn a Ferari into a Trabant). On that topic I think it's very good news that this works with ASIO4ALL according to Consul.
This Windows Media style of audio drivers is realy, realy, terribly slow which I can't stress enough is very bad for realtime (musical) performance. The one thing that's good about it -to me- is that it made me think a lot about creative input quantisation. I realise Princeton is basically all Mac's. If you're used to a Mac I think it might be hard to imagine how attrociously bad and slow Windows Media drivers are.
Maybe two exe's would be best. The files should be very similar which hopefully the zip compression will pick up on?
Also, in the interest of getting lots of feedback on this I still think this should go to the main users list as well but I think that's for Philippe or you to post. It'd be good to know about incompatibilities, issues or potential fire-hazards before this goes into the main distribution.
_______________________________________________ chuck-dev mailing list

Hi Philippe, The latest release of RtAudio is 3.0.3. It was a minor update from 3.0.2. I am working on version 4.0, which will include a number of new features that will likely be of interest to ChucK users. The main changes include: - new support for non-interleaved user data - additional input/output parameter specifications, including channel offset - new support for dynamic connection of devices (like USB) - new support for stream time - revised callback arguments, including separate input and output buffer arguments - revised C++ exception handling - discontinued support of blocking functionality There are a few API changes, mainly in the openStream() and callback functions. The new stream parameters allow one to specify a channel "offset" on a multichannel device, for example, allowing you to use only channels 7 and 8 if desired. I am also discontinuing support for the SGI "al" API, given that I cannot test it anymore. I've finished the CoreAudio and Windows APIs (DirectSound and ASIO). As well, I've made a JACK interface that works in both OS-X and Linux. However, I have yet to work on the ALSA and OSS implementations. Given my current "to do" list, it is unlikely I will finish this up before the end of the summer. So, if you're in a hurry, go with version 3.0.3 but keep in mind that you'll probably want to switch to 4.0 when it becomes available. Regards, --gary On 23-Jun-07, at 12:57 PM, Philippe Lamarche wrote:
I will try to integrate the new version of RTaudio and see what comes up with it. If i understand correctly version RTAudio 3.0.2 is alreay in Chuck. This version has multiple API capacity. I think that I am already compiling for multiple API, but since ChucK doesn't provide any argument to the Rtaudio constructor, it always take ASIO because it's higher in the list than DS. If we can provide an argument to RTaudio constructor, probably coming from the command line, it should work.
I will try it in a few days.
Thanks, Philippe.
On 6/23/07, Kassen
wrote: On 6/23/07, Ge Wang wrote: Next we should also figure out how to best roll this into the distro. Should we include two exe's? Another eventual option is to finally upgrade to the newest RtAudio, which has runtime support for multiple API's - this will happen sooner or later we think, and we hope to work with Gary Scavone to make transition smoothly. What to do in the meantime?
I looked over the RTAudio notes on multiple API's in anticipation of the arival of the .exe and that definately seems like the way to go in the future. I'd say that would also be the way to go for Linux.
If you want only one of the two I think ASIO is the obvious choice because there is ASIO4ALL to turn a WM style soundcard into a ASIO suporting one but the other way around doesn't exist (And would be similar to trying to sell a kit that can turn a Ferari into a Trabant). On that topic I think it's very good news that this works with ASIO4ALL according to Consul.
This Windows Media style of audio drivers is realy, realy, terribly slow which I can't stress enough is very bad for realtime (musical) performance. The one thing that's good about it -to me- is that it made me think a lot about creative input quantisation. I realise Princeton is basically all Mac's. If you're used to a Mac I think it might be hard to imagine how attrociously bad and slow Windows Media drivers are.
Maybe two exe's would be best. The files should be very similar which hopefully the zip compression will pick up on?
Also, in the interest of getting lots of feedback on this I still think this should go to the main users list as well but I think that's for Philippe or you to post. It'd be good to know about incompatibilities, issues or potential fire-hazards before this goes into the main distribution.
_______________________________________________ chuck-dev mailing list
_______________________________________________ chuck-dev mailing list
participants (6)
Dylan Miller
Gary Scavone
Ge Wang
Philippe Lamarche