This is a bigger problem in ChucK, where things are supposed to "do the right thing on the fly" in real time. But as you point out, what's the right thing for a given UG? I suspect the answer is "it depends." In fact I'm almost certain about it. At any rate (no pun intended), Ge is busy this week preparing for his "pre-FPO" talk/exam, which is a cryptic Princeton term meaning pre Final Public Oral (sort of a thesis proposal/defense). This was instituted after a series of tragic incidents wherein a PhD student got all the way to their final thesis defense and was torpedoed in some profound way. So the rule is that if you don't come to the preFPO then you can't pipe up with any deep critiques at the FPO, which takes place about 6 months after and has now become mostly a formality. Here's the happy announcement: Ge Wang will present his preFPO on Friday February 16 at 2:00pm in Room 402. The members of his committee are: Perry Cook, advisor; Andrew Appel and Roger Dannenberg (Carnegie Mellon), readers; Paul Lansky and Brian Kernighan, non-readers. Everyone is invited to attend his talk. His abstract follows below. ------------------------------------- ChucK + Audicle: Strongly-timed, On-the-fly Audio Programming Language and Environment The computer has long been considered an extremely attractive tool for creating, manipulating, and analyzing sound. Its precision, possibilities for new timbres, and potential for fantastical automation make it a compelling platform for expression and experimentation - but only to the extent that we are able to express to the computer what to do, and how to do it. To this end, the programming language has served, perhaps, as the most general, and yet most precise and intimate interface between humans and computers. Furthermore, "domain-specific" languages can bring additional expressiveness, conciseness, and perhaps even different ways of thinking to the domain (e.g. sound synthesis). This thesis argues for the philosophy, design, and development of ChucK, a domain-specific programming language designed for computer music. The goal is to create a language that is "expressive" and "easy to write and read" with respect to time and parallelism, and to provide a platform for precise synthesis/analysis and rapid experimentation in computer audio. In particular, ChucK provides a syntax for representing information flow, a new time-based concurrent programming model that allows programmers to easily (and flexibly) control the flow of time (we call this "strongly-timed"), and facilities to develop programs "on-the-fly" - as they run. A ChucKian approach to "live coding" as a new musical performance paradigm is also described - and ultimately motivates the Audicle, a specialized graphical environment designed to facilitate on-the-fly programming, to visualize and monitor ChucK programs in real-time, and to provide a platform for building highly customizable user interfaces. Additionally, this presentation shall include a brief history of computer music and programming, and offer contrast between ChucK and other languages and environments. The various aspects of the ChucK language (with and without Audicle) are evaluated in the context of computer music research, performance, and pedagogy. As part of an extensive case study, the presentation discusses ChucK as a primary teaching and development tool in the Princeton Laptop Orchestra (PLOrk), which continues to be a wonderfully useful (and fun) platform to observe the effectiveness of ChucK for teaching topics ranging from programming to sound synthesis, and for crafting new instruments, compositions, and performances for a laptop ensemble. We also present additional applications, including classrooms, live coding "arenas", compositions and performances, user studies, and integrations of ChucK into other software systems, such as the sound design environment TAPESTREA.

From: Perry R Cook
Here's the happy announcement:
Ge Wang will present his preFPO on Friday February 16 at 2:00pm in Room 402.
The members of his committee are: Perry Cook, advisor; Andrew Appel and Roger Dannenberg (Carnegie Mellon), readers; Paul Lansky and Brian Kernighan, non-readers. Everyone is invited to attend his talk. His abstract follows below. -------------------------------------
ChucK + Audicle: Strongly-timed, On-the-fly Audio Programming Language and Environment
Once upon a time, in a world not to distant from ours, there was this big magic thing called the net. The übergeeks and other fellow sourceres had their own little thinge they called the Mbone onto which their talks went and they fooled around. Mbone used this magic thing called Multicast (much to blame for it all is that culprit Steve Deering - nice chap). Since Princeton is not a cardrive away, it would be nice if the talk hit the net somehow. As the dark ages hit, Mbone cracled up and we have to resort to various server solutions instead of this pearl, but maybe you have the abilities? Cheers, Magnus - had the pleasure to dance a few dances with the big lads back in the days

Magnus Danielson
Since Princeton is not a cardrive away, it would be nice if the talk hit the net somehow.
I'd like to second this, particularly since I don't even drive a car. I do have a very fast bike, if that's of any help. (and good luck to Ge in this!!!!) Kas.

From: Kassen
Magnus Danielson
Since Princeton is not a cardrive away, it would be nice if the talk hit the net somehow.
I'd like to second this, particularly since I don't even drive a car. I do have a very fast bike, if that's of any help.
Um. I think your bike fails as misserably as my car, or maybe my car floats a little longer (no, I don't feel an urge to try). There's this pond here they keep calling the Atlantic in the way, so I tought a little sourcery should be needed since I don't see a airline ticket with my name on it. Not that I don't would enjoy visiting Princeton, I am sure I would, I don't see the necessities in place. Also, they might be a thad upset at work. ;) We develop these blue boxes which do some fuzzy things with long glas fibers and then they toss video over it and it kinda works. Hmm. Sounds like networking to me, but...
(and good luck to Ge in this!!!!)
Certainly! Good Luck! (Which makes me wonders whenever I will do anything about my studies, ah well.) Cheers, Magnus - nighthacking his DSP core

I fear that Ge would rather this particular part of public humliation (even though many of our live-coding ChucK performances had resulted in more carnage) not be too publicized. I think it's actually against Princeton (remember, 250 year old University here) protocol to broadcast these "private" exams. sigh.... We'll just force him to compose some special 1-line<80char compositions using bugs in ChucK that won't work then the new releases come out. PRC On Tue, 13 Feb 2007, Magnus Danielson wrote:
From: Perry R Cook
Subject: Re: [chuck-dev] chuck-dev Digest, Vol 27, Issue 2 Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 19:05:16 -0500 (EST) Message-ID: Perry,
Here's the happy announcement:
Ge Wang will present his preFPO on Friday February 16 at 2:00pm in Room 402.
The members of his committee are: Perry Cook, advisor; Andrew Appel and Roger Dannenberg (Carnegie Mellon), readers; Paul Lansky and Brian Kernighan, non-readers. Everyone is invited to attend his talk. His abstract follows below. -------------------------------------
ChucK + Audicle: Strongly-timed, On-the-fly Audio Programming Language and Environment
Once upon a time, in a world not to distant from ours, there was this big magic thing called the net. The übergeeks and other fellow sourceres had their own little thinge they called the Mbone onto which their talks went and they fooled around. Mbone used this magic thing called Multicast (much to blame for it all is that culprit Steve Deering - nice chap). Since Princeton is not a cardrive away, it would be nice if the talk hit the net somehow. As the dark ages hit, Mbone cracled up and we have to resort to various server solutions instead of this pearl, but maybe you have the abilities?
Cheers, Magnus - had the pleasure to dance a few dances with the big lads back in the days

Perry R Cook We'll just
force him to compose some special 1-line<80char compositions using bugs in ChucK that won't work then the new releases come out.
"Temporary art in the era of rapidly developing strongly timed systems, a brief introduction by Ge Wang" it is then. Sounds reasonable and I'm sure any particularly interesting questions and challenges that may arise will surface in a more flattering form marked "feature" soon afterwards anyway. Kas.

Actually, I hope Ge FAILS MISERABLY and has to spend the next 10 years hanging around Princeton. I don't want him to go! :-) Seriously, good luck Mr. Ge. Go go go! brad http://music.columbia.edu/~brad

From: Perry R Cook
I fear that Ge would rather this particular part of public humliation (even though many of our live-coding ChucK performances had resulted in more carnage) not be too publicized.
Well, if I had the oppertunity I would sneak in at the back and just listen in. I was hoping to do the same on a more virtual fashion.
I think it's actually against Princeton (remember, 250 year old University here) protocol to broadcast these "private" exams. sigh.... We'll just force him to compose some special 1-line<80char compositions using bugs in ChucK that won't work then the new releases come out.
Well, I did ask at least. As for rules, they are meant to be bent or broken. You *DO* know you can't program music in realtime, don't you? ;) How would that look? We just can't allow it, now can we? As for programming on bugs, we look forward to obfuscated chuck contest, using bugs which have not been introduced just yeat. Cheers, Magnus
participants (4)
Bradford Garton
Magnus Danielson
Perry R Cook