Spencer - thanks for these pearls... I think I'll explore both options.  If the VM-approach works and is sufficiently elegant (and efficient), that sounds like a preferred outcome due to its generality.


On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 9:13 AM Spencer Salazar <spencer.salazar@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey Dana, 

Nothing Im aware of. The way I would go about it would be to write a chugin that can call getrusage and compare successive calls to that against the real-time clock. 

Building a clock directly into ChucK's VM is also possible but a bit harder to maintain in the long run, unless it was an official feature of ChucK. 


On Mon, Apr 18, 2022 at 12:49 PM Dana Batali <dana@cannerycoders.com> wrote:
Any ChucK gurus know if there is a way to ascertain the "load average"
of a running session?

I'm imagining that a high-res timer might be used to measure the pct of
the audio-callback frame that chuck uses during a single tick.

Thanks in advance!


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