Two more Real Sound Synthesis for Interactive Applications by Perry R. Cook http://www.amazon.com/Sound-Synthesis-Interactive-Applications-CD-ROM/ dp/1568811683/sr=8-1/qid=1158064534/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-2422089-0929668? ie=UTF8&s=books Perry, I, and others fully endorse this email and this book! It's practical and example driven, and guides you on a tour and tutorial of the fundamental synthesis techniques in computer music (you can apply and extrapolate what you learn here to just about any system - PD, Reaktor, ChucK, etc.). It clocks in at a friendly thickness (263 pages). It rocks. Read more about it at the amazon product page. Introduction to Digital Filters with Audio Applications by Julius O. Smith http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/filters/ zoom out: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/pubs.html Super duper online tutorial and reference for filters and more! Best, Ge!