I'll do it, but right now I'm in a bit of a fight with the OpenGL standard concerning the dimensions of textures.
Sorry, can't help ya there. :)
I think the situation is under control now, though I do feel that OpenGL looks more like a list of recommendations than like a real standard now.
I wrote MIDI and OSC looper libraries for Processing, so I am familiar with the necessary functionality.
Base functionality isn't that hard, I think. What is hard about looping and what makes some pedals worth the money is a really good interface
I'm not sure how to push LiSa's buttons though.
Fortunately "LiSa's buttons" are quite well documented in the /special/ directory of the ChucK examples. LiSa is absolutely wonderful, as far as UGens go.
And has anyone written a Stack data structure for ChucK? That would be useful for the undo/redo bits.
I think I'd use a array of arrays with two pointers. I've never done this and am not sure about how this would fare performance-wise. I could imagine a "sample" data-type that SndBuf and LiSa could read from and write to, with memory buffering. Kas.