On 4 Oct 2009, at 02:21, Adam Tindale wrote:
This is a more direct version of what I meant to say. The problem I encountered was that I was hoping to do some operations in a function and was hoping that I was passing a copy of an object, much like what happens with primitives. Since objects pass by reference then weird side effects and bugs can easily creep into a fellow ChucKist's code.
Yes, that is one side effect of it: side effects. The reference objects reference the same object on the heap, also when passed into a function.
Anyways, I hope this example is more clear.
class test{ 0 => int val; }
test obj1; <<< obj1.val , "original object">>>;
fun void testclasspassing(test i) { 4 => i.val; <<< i.val, "in function" >>>; // side effect! }
testclasspassing(obj1); <<< obj1.val , "original object">>>;
So one way to think about it, is that this is the same as C/C++ void fun void testclasspassing(test* i) { 4 => i->val; <<< i->val, "in function" >>>; // side effect! } which in C++ can also be written as fun void testclasspassing(test& i) { 4 => i.val; <<< i.val, "in function" >>>; // side effect! } only that in chuck, the extra reference symbols are hidden away by the implementation of the reference object. So when mutating the object within the function, as it is a reference to an object on the heap, it will be mutated there too. By contrast, when one has a copy over type, a copy will be made, which will placed in the function stack. So when changing that within the function, that is a copy, and not the original object. Hans