Jonathan; I guess my first question is in general, what would cause a clicking or
popping noise first of all...
Either discontinuities in the wave-form that you synthesise or CPU load issues. Both are potentially fairly involved subjects.
Some other notes of concern, each note handler thread (of which there are 20) sporks it's own threads to modulate some parameters, so being 20 note handlers + three threads per note handler + a few other threads (such as the midi watcher), I've got almost 90 threads running at one time, could that be part of the issue?
That sounds like suspect #1 right now, yes. Check your cpu load; on Windows you can use "TaskManager" (found under the ctrl+alt+del menu unless they changed it), on Linux and OSX you can run "top" at your terminal. There are likely other ways too, but I use those. If that's it we'll have to talk about the structure of the program; that might get complicated but it might be fun too, Then again; in the case of discontinuities (a fancy words for your wave making a "vertical jump") it might get tricky too. See how far you can get on your own. If you get stuck you may need to send the most simple version of your code that still has these clicks to the list and we can have a look. Could be that it's something simple, but it could also be that you are asking too much; there is always a limit to the cpu power, it might be at two sines, it might be at two modelled full orchestras but there is some limit where it will click.... Yours, Kas.