Hi John, It would be great to have you at the meetings, even just attending. To get announcements of upcoming meetings you should joint our mailing list at: http://www.greythumb.org/wiki/MailingList Also, even a demonstration of rudimentary uses of ChucK could be useful, since I doubt most people at our meetings have even heard about it. But either way, feel free to attend our meetings. Best, Martin john saylor wrote:
On 1/10/07, Martin C. Martin
wrote: Grey Thumb is looking for speakers. Would you like to talk about something interesting you've done ChucK, or just something interesting? Or would you like to describe and demonstrate ChucK?
i would be interested in attending some of your meetings [since i live in roslindale]. i have used ChucK, but don't feel i have much to offer. my uses have only been very rudimentary. anyone spending a half hour with the manual could find out what i have.