I'm putting the finishing touches on my chuck vscode extension, to which I've added syntax checking and a vscode command to have chuck play the currently open file.

Since the --syntax switch the checker relies on is currently only in the git master branch, and not currently available in any prepackaged release, I'm using a boolean config param and have this feature turned off by default.

I'm struggling with how I should explain this in the README. I guess it's reasonable that _most_ vscode users are programmer types who would not have a problem building chuck from github sources, but I think I have a nice environment with this extension for people who are not that sort of geek.

I'd like to say, build from source or wait for version _x_, where _x_ is what I'm trying to figure out. I see that there was a simultaneous release of 1.3.6 and 1.4.0, (but no git tags for either of those?)

Would I be correct to guess that the next release will be 1.4.1? Are there any plans to make another release soon? It looks like it's been a year and a half ... might it be time? The --syntax switch surely can't be the only thing that people who aren't building from source are missing.
