On 9/11/06, Kassen
For that exact functionality you'd be bussy for quite a while but the general gist of those and similar plugins isn't that hard to get with some tactfull SndBuf manipulation. You just periodically set the buffer position to some known value and the world is you oister for IDM/drill&bass style stuttering. I suppose you could get yet closer by using one of the delays but I didn't quite get into those yet.
Playing randomly from the buffer is easy enough, but I think there are some other things going on in the plugins I like most. However, I'm sure as ChucK develops it won't be so hard to do these things natively in ChucK. Much more important are the bread and butter tools, like compression and the like. Having the oscillators and filters is a good start.
If it were all up to me I'd like real OSC support in the major hosts and something like Jack for Windows. That should take care of the whole thing and on some days I wonder why those things aren't here already.
I agree 100% - Jack for Windows would solve the problem nicely. As would OSC support in the major hosts. Plogue Bidule is a decent alternative I guess, with OSC support and plugin hosting, though it tends to be somewhat CPU hungry.