Well, it's all uncertain speculation, but in Java, where you have places in the code what may not contain code other than variable declarations, you can write stuff like this:
int x = 2;
which can be handled by the compiler with special optimization. I think Java also handles declarations and assignements specially when use in a block (like a method or loop). I was wondering if there may be a similar optimization in ChucK, which is obscured by the fact that you can mix code and declarations everywhere.
I don't have a ChucK compiler where I am now, otherwise I would have done some experiments.
Could you explain what exactly you feel the difference might be? I
> Aha... I agree that's a bit weird. Perhaps lines like these:
> y => int z;
> are seen as an initialization of z, where y can be taken from the outer
> scope, and not treated the same as
> int z;
> y=> z;
> /Stefan
don't see what you are refering to here.
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