Hi Kas. ;)
hello. Hi, Miya! I downloaded "chuck-". But --version is as follows. Chuck version: (Dracula) Exe target: Microsoft win32 http: //chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ example/analysis does not operate :( Ok, that is odd. are you sure you copied the right chuck.exe to your windows/system32 directory? That would be my first guess, this sounds
On 20/01/2008, miya6611
wrote: like you are accidentally calling a older version. Perhaps you are working from a directory that also holds the older executable? In that case CMD will first use that one, before trying your path.
Oh! you are right! Old version existed in path. chuck version: (dracula) exe target: microsoft win32 http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ good! :)
chuck --bufsize950 [chuck]: no input files... (try --help) That's right. What happens here is that you start chuck with a certain buffer size, chuck starts, discovers it has nothing to do and quits. Try; chuck --bufsize950 --loop or chuck --bufsize950 my_file.ck or even chuck --bufsize950 --loop my_file.ck Also remember that if bufsize isn't a power of 2 (which 950 isn't, I fear) chuck will round it to the next power of two, being 1024 in this case. Hope that gets you up & ChucKing! Kas.
ok! I was saved very by your help. Appreciation! -- rozie roz@mindblast.jp http://mindblast.jp/