I second what Michael said, the streaming was really cool and interesting!
About the new features and "libchuck", I am more than happy to help out as much as I can.
I am not a C/C++ programmer, but I'm currently studying it.
Recently I have done few little things in ChucK (mainly Chugins and easy bug fixes documented on github) and am getting more and more familiar with ChucK's source code, that is always useful.
I suppose I could be of some help in some way.
What I can do for sure though, is support with testing, mainly on Linux but also MacOS and Windows.
Also, about the github repo, it seems like there are still old issues open even if they have been fixed.
In case it can be useful I'd be happy to double check them so that we can then maybe close the cases.
electronic musician, sound artist, creative coder, QA engineer
https://vimeo.com/creativecodingsalerno http://mbuoninfante.tumblr.com https://github.com/mariobuoninfante https://bitbucket.org/mariobuoninfanteOn 11 May 2020 17:04, Michael Heuer
Hello Ge, Spencer, Perry
It was very nice to meet you virtually in the recent Artful Design TV meetup!
With that event and the recent ChucK version release I have been inspired to ask a bunch of questions. Hope you don't mind.
Is there much interest in implementing new ChucK language features? There are some suggestions in GitHub issues
Add abstract and final class and method modifiers Allow a class to implement more than one interface or extend more than one class Order of class definitions in a file matters sometimes Add constructors to class definitions Add namespaces and import statements Allow => from a UGen into a field/parameter
Then outside of the new language features, my most desired feature request would be
Chubgraphs and ChuGens don't support stereo operation
Next, it sounds like the new ChucK version will be easier to use as a library. Is there interest from the community in helping wrap this library into plugins? Despite occasional attempts with libchuck (which I assume may be deprecated now?), I am not much of a C/C++ developer and often find myself lost in build issues.
LV2 plugin for Linux, this would allow running ChucK on the MOD Devices pedals https://wiki.moddevices.com/wiki/Creating_Audio_Plugins
AudioUnit v3 for OSX and iOS, https://forum.juce.com/t/ios-audiounit-wait-what/17224
VCV Rack plugin, custom API https://vcvrack.com/manual/PluginDevelopmentTutorial
Then on a somewhat related note, what the hell? These are header files!
This repository is currently disabled due to a DMCA takedown notice. https://github.com/spencersalazar/libchuck https://github.com/github/dmca/blob/master/2018/2018-06-13-Steinberg.md
This breaks the https://github.com/mtiid/chuck-racks build.