Hi Atte!
I've made a working version of the midi setup I've been rambling about.
Cool. Yes, sorry about the performance issues, I believe them to be due to the currently unoptimized implementation, though there are tweaks in the chuck code that can make a big difference.
Most problematic is the fact that chuck often (well not often, but sometimes) click and pops, esp at noteons, but also other places. I guess I have to see if I can reduce the code run at noteon time, right? But besides that is there any general approaches for making chuck run more smoothly?
There may be, it depends on what the program is doing. If you like, I am interested in looking at the program and see if/how we can tweak things and perhaps improve a few things in the chuck implementation at the same time. Also, the stability varies from platform to platform. On linux, for example, we've disabled automatic scheduling/policy boosts (even when running as root), which might make a big difference especially in midi input.
I could post some examples if someone care to look at them.
Please do. Thanks!
(I have a feeling Chorus is not the cheapest UGen around), but I can't figure out how to envelopes on a stereo signal (and Chorus is mono anyways, or?):
You are right - Chorus is implemented in stereo but so far only exposed as a mono ugen in chuck. (doh) This is now on the bug list. Sorry for the massive dose of hoops and issues chuck is providing. Thanks a ton for your thoughts/feedback. We will continue to do our best to make things better. Best, Ge!