Hi ChucK List,
While googling, I came across this really great shred that works as a vocoder: http://www.lullcec.org/chuck/fft/vocoder.ck
The shred allows you to use a wav file as a "template" to vocode mic input. My
is this - can it be used with other shreds without vocoding
all sound coming out of the Virtual Machine? Currently, any other
shreds I add to the Virtual
Machine have the wav file (vocoding) applied to them as well. I'm
pretty new to
ChucK, so please excuse the ignorance about these kinds of scoping
issues. I've also attached the file in question (pretty much unmodified
from the original). I'd like to use the vocoding effect only on sounds
coming in from adc.left...
I've emailed the author, and he's unsure what the problem is - he's
going to investigate, but I'd really like some additional takes on the
problem. Any thoughts or responses would be hugely appreciated!
Peter Esveld