sön 2008-05-04 klockan 15:30 +0200 skrev Kassen:
2008/5/4 Martin Ahnelöv
: You mean, like... SinOsc s => dac => WvOut rec;
? ie, to use dac as a pass-through.
I tried that some time ago, and it didn't work. dunno if it's intended to work. Try this instead:
That's intended to work, yes. In fact it should work from other shreds/files as well so one file can record what another file generates.
This isn't just useful for recording to files but also for having LiSa remix other shreds which is one of my favourite livecoding tricks. If that broke on Win it broke in the most recent version, I haven't been on the last Win version for that long yet as I didn't have a ASIO build yet and my liveset depends on ASIO.
WvOut has been having some issues, I seem to remember a question on the forum from a while ago where it generated a .wav that didn't just not play but also corrupted a iTunes library. Now, that's not such good design on iTunes's part but WvOut shouldn't do that.
What I'm sure doesn't work is sending a signal to the ADC to have a shred pretend it's external input to other shreds. This would be convenient for testing but also in line with how the DAC (should) work so I'd like to propose that for consideration for future versions.
Yours, Kas.
I'm on linux, and it worked so and so. no errors, but I can't play it anywhere. Gasten