Chuck wants an input file -- so you'd be typing something like > chuck
Try running some of the files in the example dirertory and taking a
ook at some of the user documentaton on the website.
Good luck!
On 6/27/09, gary hiebner
Hi Everyone, I am new to Chuck. I saw Ge's video on the Apple website and am very interested in getting into Chuck as an audio tool for live performance. I seem to be having a problem getting it to run. I have tried going through the start up manual as it says, but keep getting the same error.
I have added chuck to my usr/bin/
When I check through the /usr/bin I can see chuck there, so it has been added successfully.
Then I type the >chuck in Terminal
I don't get the [chuck]: no input files.... message
i tried typing the command:
chuck // connect sine oscillator to D/A convertor (sound card)
But just get the following error message:
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
Is there something else I am not doing correctly?
I have tried in miniAudicle, and everything works fine there,
But would like to get this working from the Terminal.
Thanks in advance for any assistance,
-- Gary Hiebner SoundBase Productions cell: 082 877 6239 www.soundbase.co.za
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