On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Daniel Trueman
that would do it; i don't remember that posting...
Darn, I was remembering a minim UGen:
2010/9/30 Kassen
Me neither. I'm not sure that's easily possible and if it would be I'm not at all sure that would be a good idea. What would happen if this UGen (let's call it greyhole) and the dac would both pull a UGen "foo"? Suppose "foo" were a filter, what would the .freq() of foo mean, it anything? I agree that this concept would "do it", but I fear it would also do all sorts of other things and would generally complicate matters.
I think it would correspond to cycles per grey second! C'mon, Kassen, you know it'd be fun! -- Tom Lieber http://AllTom.com/ http://favmusic.net/