On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Carr Everbach
I'm a Swarthmore College Engineering professor trying to help a blind student with data sonification (or auralization). It was suggested that Matlab, which is our primary analysis language, could send OSC packets via UDP to chuck, which reads OSC packets and could more easily produce complex sounds than coding directly in Matlab. Do any of you have any experience with osc-mexwin, written by Andy Schmeder? The only version of this I've found lacks the c-code, and contains only the dll files without documentation. Matlab requires that the user know the function names to import dll files and use those functions (such as osc_read and osc_write). Any guidance?
I went here and looked around a little: http://sourceforge.net/projects/oscmex/files/ The osc-mexmaci64.zip file actually has the source code, which seems to be cross-platform, so that should tell you the function names you need. I also found this small library that just sends OSC messages. It is written in Matlab, so you don't have to mess with Mex files. http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/31400-send-open-sound-co... Good luck. andy