Cool stuff! 

Itd be preferable to fork/work from the the newer "CCRMA" chugins repo, as Ive made something of a mess of my own version:

Thats become more of the official, "battle-tested" repository, whereas my own repo is much more experimental. 

If you have a friend or someone on the list who wants to test it out on Windows, that would be ideal -- we are trying to keep the official repo fully cross-platform to avoid fragmentation. This is a cool project, so I'd like to see it get in a lot of peoples hands. I might have time to try it on Windows myself. Worst case scenario we can link to it from the chugin page. 


On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Kassen <> wrote:
On Sat, Feb 02, 2013 at 04:51:40PM +0100, Julien Saint-Martin wrote:
>    I integrated Ibniz software ([1] inside a
>    chugin.
>    First version is ready and I want to share it with you.

>    I know the Spencer's github chugin reporsitory. Is it a good idea to put
>    it in?
>    If yes, I never used github before please tell me if there is something
>    special to do.

I think you should just fork Spencer's and add your stuff. Guthub has
quite decent helpfiles that will explain you how. From there on
Spencer can pull in your stuff and everyone else can pull from

I'm not sure what would happen if you'd do something, Spencer wouldn't
like it yet I would. Theoretically that could happen. We can look into
that if&when we'd encounter the situation.

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